(Versión en Español abajo )
A multimedia artist, whose visual poetry, digital still art and video installations have been widely exhibited in museums, galleries, and art spaces. He has produced more than four-dozen videos and short documentaries. He is also the author of several books of poetry and short stories.
Exhibitions, Festivals, Shows, Publications
- E-poems by Alberto Roblest, included on the collective art exhibition “Roots of Passage”. Atlantic Works Gallery, East Boston, July 12-August 17, 2024.
- “In Another Voice: An Anthology of Hispanic Literature from the United States” (Arte Público Press, Bilingual Ed. 2024). Compiler Nicolás Kanellos.
- “Omnia Vincit Poesis / Tolo lo puede Poesía”, Poetry Anthology, Ed. Libros de La Luna Collection, Dominican Republic, 2024. Compiler Rei Berroa.
- Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, international poetry reading, “Poetry Marathon”, Madison Bldg, Washington DC., June 14, 2024.
- The Mid Atlantic Review 2023, volume dedicated as a tribute to birds and nature, selected poems, Magazine based on Washington DC, 2023
- The Inner Loop, reading. Shaw’s Tavern, Washington DC, October 17th, 2023.
- Marymount’s Main Campus, poetry reading from the book “Silent Tenants, Arlington Virginia, Octoberr 24th, 2023.
- 2nda Feria Literaria y Cultural de la Herencia Hispana, Sterling Public Library, Virginia, Sep.30 – Oct.1st, 2023
- DC Latino Book Festival, Martin Luther King Public Library, Washington DC. Reading & presentation of “Silent Tenants | Inquilinos Silenciosos”. *Bilingual poetry book. Published by Day 8, 2023. October 7th & 8th, 2023.
- El Encuentro The Latino Film Experience, October 14-15, Nancy Donahue Theatre, Lowell MA, 2023.
- “On the Edge”. Collective art exhibition, Atlantic Works Gallery, Boston MA, July 15- August 26, 2023.
- “Esto Es Para Esto”-Exhibidora de Cine. Video Marathon, June 22, Cineteca Nuevo León. Identity Various perspectives on the constitution of the mystery of being, conjugating the encounter with the personal fissure. Video: “Induced”. Monterrey NL, México 2023
- Official Selection Luis Buñuel Memorial Awards, Film & video festival “Induced” Award Winner. July, several cities in India, 2022.
- “Againt the Wall – Contra la Muralla”, *Bilingual short stories book, published by Arte Publico Press, University of Houston TX, 2022.
- Video Dromo International Experimental Film & Video Festival, “Tercera regla de cálculo fonético”. Bilbao, Spain, October 5th, 7th & 22, 2021.
- “ARTE LATINO NOW 2021: Arts Competition Celebrating Latino Artists”, Queens University of Charlotte, Main Campus. Sponsored by the Center for Latino Studies & ArtSí. January-July 2021.
- Selected by Constellation: “Our DC stories series”. Humanities DC. Digital Prints, Online exhibition, Washington DC. 2021.
- “Sin tapabocas, Memorias de una pandemia” Anthology of Short Stories. Published by El Sur es América, Miami FL, 2021
- Art and Humanities Fellowship 2021, Grantee, Washington DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. Washington DC 2021.
- “Artomatic DMV: A virtual Experience 020”, online show. July 20-August 20, Washington DC, 2020.
- Experimental Microshort Film Festival, New York City Digital Art Space, DAS. E-poem: “Fragile”. Brooklyn, NY March 7th, 2020.
- Full color poems & E-poems by Alberto Roblest. Centro Toluqueño de Escritores, Toluca México, September 2019.
- Murals Festival, AMA | Art Museum of the Americas, Washington, D.C., July 14th, 2019.
- Cuentos del Sótano VI, Anthology of Short Stories. Endora editorial. Presentation: Centro Cultural del México Contemporáneo. Mexico City March 30, 2019
- “Too Much of Too Much: Overstimulated, Overexposed and Overextended”. Digital Print: “No Selfie now”, Collective Art show at McLean Project for the Arts Gallery, McLean, VA. June 14 – August 18, 2018
- Digital print: “Coyolxauhqui Why”. Electron Salon, selected prints, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art LACDA, Los Angeles, March 8-31, 2018.
- La Mirada Transgresora, International Biennials of Experimental Visual Poetry, Museo del Chopo, UNAM. Mexico City, April-May 2017.
- MEXTASIS, Collective Show. Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York. Selected Work: Long Way Home, Digital Print. Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2016
- A Polaroid Collage, selected, by the Washingtonia Collection. Washington DC, August 5, 2016.
- 13° Bogotá Short Film Festival. “El Castillo- The Castle”, Dec 9 -15, Colombia, 2015
- The Our City Festival, Muralismo DC/DC Muralism (15mins). May 28-June 7, 2015 & Petworth Library, May 30, 2015. Washington, DC
- Bang Video Art Video Festival of Barcelona 2014, “Obsolete # 4” selected for the Top Ten List of best of festival videos
- EXPERIMENTA TV Series, 2014. Aired multiple times on Channel 4 regional television station in Avellaneda, Argentina
- International VideoArt Film Festival of Barcelona: Bang. Casa Elizalde de Barcelona, April-May 2014
- Arte Latino Now: An Exhibition of Latino Artists in USA, January-February, 2014. Queens University of Charlotte Main Campus. Sponsored by the Center for Latino Studies & ArtSí.
- Washington DC, Office on Latino Affairs. Latino Community Development Grants FY 2012 and 2013 for Hola Cultura, a web-documentary and website project celebrating Latino arts and culture in Washington, DC
- Washington DC, Office on Latino Affairs. Latino Community Development Grant 2010, DC Digital Portraits arts & humanities workshop for at-risk youth
- Washington DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities: 2009 City Arts Projects grant recipient, for the Public Art-Installation “Present Interval”; 2009 Video Artist Fellow; “The Inner of the Outer,” digital still art, selected, Spring 2008 Art Walk
- Finalist, the Washington Project for the Arts Experimental Media Prize, 2009. Location: The Phillips Collection, 1600 21st Street, NW. Hirshhorn Museum, 7th Street and Independence Avenue. Maryland Institute College of Art, Falvey Hall, 1301 W. Mount Royal Ave, Baltimore, MD
- MTV Spain, “Experimental Minimetrajes from around the World,” July 2007
- Best Sound Track, 7th Regional Festival “Geografías Suaves”, Mérida Yucatán, September 2005
- BAC 04 Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo en Barcelona, Museo Contemporáneo de Barcelona, 2004
- National first prize winner, video category, Yucatán & Caribbean Biennial of Visual Art at the Contemporary Art Museum of the Yucatán, 2002
- Northeast Video Festival, (second place innovative category) Manchester NH, USA Sept-1999.
•Muestra Puebla 07, “Retrospective,” September 10-15, Puebla Mexico, 2007
•VideoFest 2K6, “Roblest-Retrospective,” Biennial of Video and Contemporary Film, Instituto Cultural Baja California, November 15-27, Mexico 2006
•Scott Pfaffman Gallery, “in mid sentence videos by Alberto Roblest,” New York City, 2001
“Present Interval/Intervalo del Tiempo,” an outdoor temporary video installation produced with support of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Adams Morgan, Washington DC, Nov. 2010 *San Francisco Visual Poetry & Performance Festival *Festival der Nationen in Austria *Los Angeles International Film Festival *Interferences 2nd Festival France *IV Video Biennale Mexico *VideoEx, Zurich *Sadho Poetry Video Fest, New Delhi, India *VideoBardo, Buenos Aires *Boston Cyberarts Festival *Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Berlin *Planet in Focus, Canada *CortiCorti, Short Film-Video Festival, Rome Italy
*Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona *Museum of Image and Sound in Brazil *Contemporary Art Museum of Maracaibo, Venezuela *Digital Art Salon, Habana Cuba *New York City’s Art in General *Hall Walls Contemporary Arts Center, NY *Pittsburgh Filmmakers Video show *Rufino Tamayo Museum *Carrillo Gil Museum & *The Museum of
To see the collection, visit the YouTube channel.
Mr. Roblest started working as a university professor. He began teaching undergraduate students at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), School of Social and Political Sciences, in México City. Courses included Journalism and Literature Workshop, Evolution of Audio-Visual Language, Literature and Society, and Writing Workshops. He has also taught undergraduate college students in at Emerson College, Massachusetts Bay Community College, Fisher College in the Boston area and at the Catholic University of America and George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The U.S. courses he’s taught include Language, Culture & Society, as well as Conversational Spanish I, II & III with an emphasis on introduction to Spanish-language literature, cinema and other cultural themes.
Also an accomplished writer, Mr. Roblest has published several books including the novel “Collar de Orejas”, the short story book “Instantáneas Norteamericanas” and the poetry books: Del silencio en las ciudades, Chicaneando, Ortografia para Piromaniacos & “Entre los signos el diminutivo”.
Alberto Roblest

Autor de la novela: “Collar de Orejas”. Y de los libros de cuentos: “Instantáneas Norteamericanas” y “Contra el Muro” (de recién aparición en la Editorial Arte Público Press). Así mismo de cuatro libros de poesía: “Entre los Signos el Diminutivo”, “Ortografía para Piromaniacos”, “Del Silencio en las Ciudades”, y “Chicaneando”. Y de las plaquetas: “El Futuro y Los Anillos”, “Las Andanzas del Huy Huy y el Chichicaxtle con su Ñero”. Sus Digital Prints forman parte de varias colecciones de arte, y sus video-poemas han sido expuestos en diferentes museos, galerías y festivales de México, Los Estados Unidos y Europa.
Por mencionar: 2020 Experimental Microshort Film Festival, New York City Digital Art Space. En 2019 el Museo de las Américas en Washington, D.C. seleccionó su mini-doc “Muralismo DC” como parte del show Muralismo. En 2018 la pieza digital “Coyolxauhqui Why” formó parte del prestigioso “Electron Salon” de Los Angeles Center for Digital Art. En 2016 “Long Way Home” fue incluida en la muestra colectiva Méxtasis, Brooklyn Gallery, New York. El Festival de Video Our City 2015 exhibió “Muralismo Latino” en Washington, DC. Dos de los videos de la serie “Obsoleto” formaron parte del Bang Video Art Festival de Barcelona en 2014. La serie de televisión argentina EXPERIMENTA TVseleccionó en 2014 dos de sus trabajos. La DCCAH (Washington DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities) le otorgó la beca City Arts Projects, por “El Barrio” en 2014, y en 2009 por el Proyecto de Arte Público “Present Interval” instalación realizada en la calle 18th St & Columbia Road. En la Bienal de Video y Cine Contemporáneo de Baja California: VideoFest 2K de 2006 tuvo una retrospectiva. La galería Scott Pfaffman de Nueva York en 2001 organizó una muestra de su trabajo denominado “En el Medio de la Oración”. En 2005 el 7º Festival Regional Geografías Suaves de Yucatán le otorgó a “Pescando” el premio a la mejor banda sonora. El corto “Cuervo” fue incluido en la muestra “Cortos Mexicanos de 2005” en Sala Julio Bracho del Centro Cultural Universitario. En 2004 otra de sus piezas fue seleccionada para el Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona. En la primera Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales Yucatán de 2002 se hizo acreedor al primer lugar nacional en el área de video experimental. En 2002 “Ten years” formó parte de las “Experimental film series” en el cine Coolidge Corner Cinema de Boston.