Tag Archives: Inquilinos Mudos

Silent Tenants / Inquilinos Mudos

Silent Tenants / Inquilinos Mudos, Ed. Day 8. 2023.

“The Tower of Babel is broken, says Alberto Roblest at the start of his collection, but Roblest has begun the crucial work of rebuilding it. This masterful book, ably translated by Maritza Rivera, gives voice to immigrants, workers, the often invisible travelers through the city. “I’m at a point, Roblest writes, where time is at a standstill/learning another language/I’m a silent tenant in a building of words/a skyscraper/a Babel/Around me a reflection.” As readers, we can be thankful that this poet has chosen to break his silence. -Gregory Luce, author.

“I am not very given to esoteric, metaphysical or symbolic poetry. I prefer the poetry that is written about the events that happen around me, the poetry that feeds on reality to become a sign, or a metaphor”. AR.

“Los poemas de Silent Tenants nos desafían a leer de manera diferente y particular. Asociados y distanciados del lenguaje crean un puente entre el silencio y el mutismo, la estética y la palabra”. – Helen Montserrat, periodista.

“El lenguaje es quizá el personaje principal de la colección. Por supuesto toca temas que tratan de la migración, pero también del amor, la música, la amistad,  el aprendizaje”. AR